
Results 6 issues of FlechazoW

### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues](https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun/issues) and found no similar document issue. ### Description When we configure the synchronization of the whole database, we...


### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues](https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun/issues) and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description 当尝试在mysql数据表中更新修改某条或者删除某条数据记录的时候, 出现上述错误。 跟踪源码发现, 当实现增量实时数据同步作业时候,根据rowKind类型的值执行相关操作, 而clickhouse的 DELETE 与UPDATE_BEFORE 具体实现代码为空。 具体如下: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35768015/178126220-292c6175-2337-4a80-ad5f-b411d08107c9.png)...


refactor chunjun-web : https://dtstack.github.io/chunjun-web/


1.[kudu][async] 修复kudu异步维表primary key 类型转化导致查询失败; 2.[core] 为了避免因为权限校验导致的任务失败,先将权限校验的默认值改为false; 3.[core] 修复脏数据在设置了remoteSqlPluginPath时任务提交失败,抛出找不到脏数据插件路径的异常; 4.[http] 解决http发送中文乱码; 5.[file] File source 增加脏数据的记录; 6.[dirty] 修改dirty plugins的插件地址参数,移除remoteSqlPlugin影响; 7.[http] 使用PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager来创建连接线程池; 8.[file] 优化File source 代码,移除location, hdfsSite, coreSite等不必要参数,调整FileSourceTableInfo的结构,将Csv、Json、Arvo等拆分为独立类; 9.[impala] fix String.replaceFirst中的坑,replaceFirst("\\?", value),如果value中$后不是数字,那么会出现"illegal group...

## Describe the proposal At present, there are more and more codes and more and more plug-ins. The review of PR code has become a time-consuming and laborious thing. Therefore,...

good first issue

## Purpose of this pull request [Connector-V2][JDBC-connector] support Jdbc dm ## Check list * [x] Code changed are covered with tests, or it does not need tests for reason: *...

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