That seems like an excuse not to add 3 lines of code to disable cost on a crucible than an actual reason. Isn't spending brass+copper and hooking it up via...
This is likely a client/server desync issue, for what it's worth. I've seen similar bugs in the past. Not sure of the source.
Regardless of how I feel on the issue, it might be useful to know that using the jetpack at all resets fall damage, so tapping it right before you hit...
I know you already have ideas planned out, but here's what I had planned for a farming system that would, in my opinion, fit well with the theme of the...
That sounds pretty much exactly like a magic block setup like those found in other mods
And is there a reason this couldn't be accomplished by ceiling robots adjacent to the plots? :P
Cool idea!
Not sure why my tooltips don't do this but most MC tooltips do. I'll look into it - sounds annoying.
Seems related to #151
The Cyberware HUD is drawn during the RenderGameOverlayEvent, specifically when potion icons are rendered. If IGI stops this event, that's what's causing it.