### Purpose Linked issue: --- #1151 Add spark3_docker_compose.yml in the docker/ path to start the spark3 cluster and introduce the paimon jar file In the docs/content/engines/quick_start md file new start...
### Purpose Linked issue: #1151 Add a docker folder in the project root path to store docker compose file. In this PR, a new flink_docker_compose.yml file is added to quickly...
Exception when trying to compute pagesize, as a result reporting of ProcessTree metrics is stopped
我换了一台电脑后,执行从一个DataFrame中,使用map按行读取数据,然后对每一行的经纬度字段应用方法determineAdmin获取省份、城市,当我使用limit从DataFrame中取8条以下的数据时很快可以输出结果,但是当我使用limit(8)、limit(10)或更大的数字时,会卡在某个地方,日志会输出Exception when trying to compute pagesize, as a result reporting of ProcessTree metrics is stopped, 在本机中sparkConf设置为.setMaster("local[*]") 还没有尝试提交到服务器运行是否会遇到同样的问题 2021-09-29 11:18:11,423 DEBUG ContextCleaner:61 Spark Context Cleaner 10046 - Got cleaning task CleanAccum(0)...
您好,我在windows10、 idea中创建test.scala并执行 val admin=determineAdmin(115.11632,40.604412,CoordinateSystem.WGS84,true) println(admin.toString) println(admin.city) println(admin.cityCode) println(admin.province) println(admin.provinceCode) 得到了下面的异常 Exception in thread "main" java.io.InvalidClassException: scala.collection.immutable.List$SerializationProxy; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 1, local class serialVersionUID = -7905219378619747021 at...