
Results 561 comments of FichteFoll

Yeah, that should be it. Called from dubdigest via Subdigest would also do better in using the `dump_file` method with the file it wants to write to directly instead...

Fixed in

Building still fails for me with meson 1.0.0 and current `master` (via [AUR]( ``` ==> Starting prepare()... 'subprojects/luajit' -> '../../luajit' Re-applying patchfiles overlay for luajit... mkdir: created directory 'subprojects/packagecache' 'subprojects/packagecache/'...

Thanks for the notice. I think this was done when sublime-syntax was first introduced for its conversion command, so about two years ago.

Since Windows doesn't ship Python by default, we may be able to get the same result with a PowerShell script. I can't really help with that, however.

Reusing plugin_host is a neat idea because it means packages don't need to provide executables (and a `.no-sublime-package`), since we can run the cleanup code from within ST's environment. Unfortunately,...

Since this has been added for the new environment in 4050+, I believe we don't need this anymore, though I haven't tested it yet.

Here are the changes since the 1.5.4 tag on Github (which is not the same as the commit that bumps the version!) and until the commit that increments the version....

The ticket is still open and it hasn't been implemented in a dev build either, so no, it's not completed.