Félix Malfait

Results 382 comments of Félix Malfait

Haha yes this is just some very basic proof of concept, definitely not ready for prod or anything 😅. But we want to do more to value contributors in Q1!

Thanks @vinaybhamre! Let us know on Discord if you need help

Hey @i-am-chitti sorry I took long to get back to you! Yes we need to rename "Quick Action" to "Actions" and also change the icon according to the Figma. Directionally...

@i-am-chitti would be great if you are able to adjust the positioning of the dropdown? See prototype [here](https://www.figma.com/proto/xt8O9mFeLl46C5InWwoMrN/Twenty?type=design&node-id=1406-44830&t=H3qpPVhfeflb2mEO-0&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=478%3A19796&starting-point-node-id=1406%3A44830) No the backend hasn't been done yet so we would only have...

Thanks @i-am-chitti! Let's move with this now then and we'll try to fix this later. As this is still behind feature flag it's acceptable and that gives us a bit...

Note: I don't think we should call this "temporary view". For me this is the page for `/objectName?view=null`- it's not temporary, will always be there :)

Yes of course @Kanav-Arora thanks

@jordan-sussman thanks! @Kanav-Arora I understand the frustration but it starts from a good intention, and it's such a small fix that it's not like there's ongoing work that's getting lost...

I'm not sure it will work when rolling out it production. It didn't work for me as an upgrade to the previous migration (it does work if you start from...