@editorialbot assign me as editor
@bcjaeger If you have any suggestions for potential reviewers then please mention them here in this thread (without tagging them with an @). In addition, [this list of people](https://bit.ly/joss-reviewers) have...
@cole-brokamp if you'd like to review this submission, please comment here! Feel free to unsubscribe from this issue if you are not interested. Thanks for your time.
@editorialbot add @Annielytix as reviewer
Hi @ady00, @shagunsodhani, @Annielytix, Thanks again for reviewing this submission. Would you please generate your checklist at your convenience? Please feel free to let me know if you need any...
Hi @shagunsodhani, thank you for your reviews. JOSS allows the co-publication of science, methods, and software. As long as the [FreqAI](https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade/tree/develop/freqtrade/freqai) itself reflects the substantial scholarly effort, we can accept...
Hi @bbrelje, @ @duhd1993, please feel free to let us know if you have any issues or need any help to start the review. Thanks again for agreeing to review...
@FabianHofmann Yes. that is possible. @g4brielvs Thanks for your response. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about reviewing this submission.
@torressa, @g4brielvs, Thank you for your time for reviewing this paper. @FabianHofmann At this point, could you make a new release of this software that includes the changes resulting from...
@shagunsodhani @ady00 Thank you for your time in reviewing this submission! You are all set. We will wait for the response from the last reviewer. After the author addresses the...