Federico Claudi

Results 100 comments of Federico Claudi

Hey, Thanks for opening this issue, it's a very good point. I completely agree, all the hardcoded color values should be offloaded to the theme to allow complete customization. Further,...

Hahah, it seems like we're on the same boat here! Let's leave it open and see who gives in first 😉

To Document - [ ] basic LIVE api - [ ] changes to Progress bar API

I see, thank you. Perhaps its worth adding a warning in the [docs](https://wildart.github.io/ManifoldLearning.jl/stable/isomap/#StatsAPI.fit-Union{Tuple{T},%20Tuple{Type{Isomap},AbstractArray{T,2}}}%20where%20T%3C:Real), I took them to mean that you can just use any tree type from nearest neighbours!

Hey, that's very weird I have no idea why installing it directly didn't work, but happy you've found a work around

@JuliaRegistrator register

@JuliaRegistrator register

I'm trying training with my data + a large set of training examples from the initial cellfinder network, will let you know if it helps. Meanwhile I will also try...