
Results 8 comments of FatSaw

I have fixed the build. But I'm sure I did it wrong. My task was to build akarin 1.12.2 at any cost. https://github.com/FatSaw/Akarin

> Why is this closed and not merged? Some checks took too long. During this time, I decided to double-check some changes.

It's ready for review. But Iam not sure that Explosions calculation is accuracly. Maybe we need add some configs to enable/disable some changes.

I tryed launch akarin with mixin 8.3. And it try to load modlauncher bootstarp:"org.spongepowered.asm.service.modlauncher.MixinServiceModLauncherBootstrap". I think it should load "org.spongepowered.asm.service.mojang.MixinServiceLaunchWrapperBootstrap" to work with LegacyLauncher.

> it s not done yet I know. I was building mixin 8.3 for tests and found another possible problem. paper-api uses "org.ow2.asm" v6._ , mixin 8.3 uses "org.ow2.asm" v7._...

LegacyLauncher has issues working with mixin 8+. I suggest replacing it with ignite: https://github.com/vectrix-space/ignite

Experimental version with 8.5 mixin: https://github.com/FatSaw/Akarin/tree/upstream-mixin-EXPERIMENTAL Built with eclipse.