Fabio Alessandrelli

Results 64 comments of Fabio Alessandrelli

> Shouldn't we print something when a module is disabled due to a missing dependency? The `module_check_dependencies` function does that, see https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/63919/files#diff-a030241bf0d343232428bf723a03a0a71e8b5dd5ca77b3a852997dd95ab95f41R368 , we can move that to the SConstruct...

Draft, as it needs some testing, and I realize some `help` strings are missing

Will likely need a more graceful `KeyboardInterrupt` too (now the subprocess keep going a bit, we should add the "double ctrl+c" style for exiting program immediately, vs sending term to...

> I've had a problem of git synchronization from remote when using tags vs commits, so oftentimes I just had to skip this in current `build.sh`, perhaps this PR resolves...

You can use the `run` command, and chain multiple `-k container` to specify which container to build On Sun, Apr 11, 2021, 13:45 Andrii Doroshenko ***@***.***> wrote: > Is there...

> I have no idea if it's caused by using the new build script or it's simply LTO error or so, I literally haven't touched anything to cause Ctrl +...

Can you provide a minimal reproduction project?

The GDNative libraries in your project are missing the entry point for HTML5: ![missing_wasm_hl](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1687918/166222662-f58bd2c7-0a82-4a88-aa3f-942c820a7f8a.png) ``` [gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2] [sub_resource type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1] entry/Windows.64 = "res://bin/win64/GDNativeLibrary.dll" dependency/Windows.64 = [ ] [resource]...

Sure, it's based on the "test" project from `godot-cpp` [wasm-example.zip](https://github.com/godotengine/godot-cpp/files/8612707/wasm-example.zip) (works with Godot 3.4.4-stable). Building it with scons is pending in #691 . In the meantim you can build it...

I'm wondering if maybe having the gdnative library as a subresource is what breaks it for you.