Md. Fahim Bin Amin

Results 36 issues of Md. Fahim Bin Amin

The project is currently missing the issue templates. If you would like to add them, then I would add a Pull Request for some relevant issue templates. Please let me...

help wanted

### What's the Problem? It is not any type of problem. ### Solution/Idea This project is currently missing the **Code of Conduct**. If you have any plan on adding that...

good first issue

**please complete the following information:** - OS version: Arch Linux - Editor: VS Code - Editor version: 1.63.2 - Programming language: Python - TabNine extension version: Not necessary - Engine...

I have included 3 coding platform websites that offer CP globally.

Your project is pretty decent, but some addition to it would make it even better. Such as, If you add the Code of Conduct to the root branch and also...

Your project is currently missing two important items, the Code of Conduct and the License in the root directory. Please consider adding them if you want. For your information, I...

This project is currently missing the **Code of Conduct**, which defines standards for how to engage in a community. If you want to add the ``, then I would add...

Hey, your project is currently missing the Code of Conduct. If you want to add that, then I can submit a PR. I also need the contact address (email address)...

## Problem This is not a problem at all, only an addition. The code of conduct defines standards for how to engage in a community. ## Solution If you would...
