Fady Faheem
Fady Faheem
I've begun maintaining the whole repository. if you'd like to have it kept up to date, use https://github.com/BTAProgrammers/SpreadsheetView
You will have to reload the data to make this happen.
I'd recommend you use the newest version available and wrap it with Swift Calls. This was also recommended in one of the other issues. Here's a link to applying Swift...
To be honest, this has alot of guess work. If anyone can figure out how to get the width of the frozen cells, because calling spreadsheetView.cellForRowAt() doesn't always return the...
For people who see my example above, I've also implemented exporting to pdf in my version of SpreadsheetView.[ Link is here](https://github.com/BTAProgrammers/SpreadsheetView) if you'd like to use it. I haven't pushed...
You could use LLMs that aren't ChatGPT. Look [here](https://huggingface.co/models) to see others.
The best way to do this is reorganize your data. First create a 2D Array and lay your data like you would in a CSV File. Fecha | Sucursal |...