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How can I display the json data in a Swift SpreadsheetView
I want using SpreadsheetView to show data, from a json, in a grid but I don't know how to show them because with this pod it is necessary to invoke an array for each column. I would like to order this data from my json in the corresponding columns and also when touching a cell in a row I was taken to a view to show the related data.
Attached the code of what I have done.
The view i use to display the data
import UIKit
import SpreadsheetView
class TiendasViewController: UIViewController, SpreadsheetViewDataSource, SpreadsheetViewDelegate, ConsultaModeloProtocol{
let data = ["Sucursal", "Venta total", "Tickets", "Piezas", "Pzs/Ticket", "Ticket prom.", "Utilidad", "Última venta"]
var feedItems = [DetallesConsulta]()
func itemConsulta(LaConsulta: [DetallesConsulta]) {
feedItems = LaConsulta
var selectDato : DetallesConsulta = DetallesConsulta()
private let tablaTiendas = SpreadsheetView()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let consultaModelo = ConsultaModelo()
consultaModelo.ElDelegado = self
tablaTiendas.dataSource = self
tablaTiendas.delegate = self
tablaTiendas.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 4, left: 0, bottom: 4, right: 0)
tablaTiendas.intercellSpacing = CGSize(width: 4, height: 1)
tablaTiendas.gridStyle = .none
tablaTiendas.gridStyle = .solid(width: 1, color: .blue)
tablaTiendas.register(SucursalesCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: String(describing: SucursalesCell.self))
tablaTiendas.register(DateCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: String(describing: DateCell.self))
print("Imprimiendo los feeditems: ", feedItems)
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
tablaTiendas.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y:216, width: view.frame.size.width, height: view.frame.size.height-100)
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
func spreadsheetView(_ spreadsheetView: SpreadsheetView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Cell? {
if case (0...(data.count), 0) = (indexPath.column, indexPath.row) {
let cell = spreadsheetView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: String(describing: DateCell.self), for: indexPath) as! DateCell
cell.label.text = data[indexPath.column - 0]
return cell
} else if case(0, 1...(sucursales.count + 1)) = (indexPath.column, indexPath.row){
let cell = spreadsheetView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: String(describing: SucursalesCell.self), for: indexPath) as! SucursalesCell
cell.label.text = sucursales[indexPath.row - 1]
return cell
let cell = tablaTiendas.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: MyLabelCell.identifier, for: indexPath) as! MyLabelCell
if indexPath.row == 0 {
cell.setup(with: data[indexPath.column])
cell.backgroundColor = .systemBlue
return cell
return nil
func numberOfColumns(in spreadsheetView: SpreadsheetView) -> Int {
return data.count
func numberOfRows(in spreadsheetView: SpreadsheetView) -> Int {
return 1 + sucursales.count
func spreadsheetView(_ spreadsheetView: SpreadsheetView, widthForColumn column: Int) -> CGFloat {
return 200
func spreadsheetView(_ spreadsheetView: SpreadsheetView, heightForRow row: Int) -> CGFloat {
if case 0 = row{
return 24
return 55
func frozenColumns(in spreadsheetView: SpreadsheetView) -> Int {
return 1
class MyLabelCell: Cell {
private let label = UILabel()
public func setup(with text: String){
label.text = text
label.textAlignment = .center
override func layoutSubviews() {
label.frame = contentView.bounds
class DateCell: Cell {
let label = UILabel()
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
label.frame = bounds
label.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 15)
label.textAlignment = .center
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
class SucursalesCell: Cell {
let label = UILabel()
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
label.frame = bounds
label.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
label.font = UIFont.monospacedDigitSystemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: UIFont.Weight.medium)
label.textAlignment = .center
override var frame: CGRect {
didSet {
label.frame = bounds.insetBy(dx: 6, dy: 0)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
The model to download the json
`import UIKit import Foundation
protocol ConsultaModeloProtocol: AnyObject { func itemConsulta (LaConsulta: [DetallesConsulta]) }
var fechaPresente: String = "" var fechaPasada: String = ""
let elToken : String = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "token")! let helper = Helper()
class ConsultaModelo: NSObject {
weak var ElDelegado : ConsultaModeloProtocol!
let URLPath = helper.host+"tiendas"
func downloadConsulta(){
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: URLPath)!)
request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.addValue("Bearer \(elToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
request.httpMethod = "POST"
let SessionDefault = Foundation.URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral)
let task = SessionDefault.dataTask(with: request){
(data, response, error)in
if error != nil {
print("Error al descargar la consulta")
print("Datos descargados")
func parseJSON(_ data: Data){
var jsonResult = NSArray()
jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.allowFragments) as! NSArray
}catch let error as NSError{
var jsonElement = NSDictionary()
var detalles = [DetallesConsulta]()
for i in 0 ..< jsonResult.count{
jsonElement = jsonResult[i] as! NSDictionary
let detalle = DetallesConsulta()
let Fecha = jsonElement["Fecha"]
let Sucursal = jsonElement["Sucursal"]
let Suc = jsonElement["Suc"]
let VentaTotal = jsonElement["Venta_Total"]
let NoFolios = jsonElement["N_Folios"]
let Piezas = jsonElement["Piezas"]
let PzaxTicket = jsonElement["PzaxTicket"]
let TicketPromedio = jsonElement["TicketPromedio"]
detalle.Fecha = Fecha as? String
detalle.Sucursal = Sucursal as? String
detalle.Suc = Suc as? String
detalle.VentaTotal = VentaTotal as? String
detalle.NoFolios = NoFolios as? Int
detalle.Piezas = Piezas as? String
detalle.PzaxTicket = PzaxTicket as? String
detalle.TicketPromedio = TicketPromedio as? String
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { ()-> Void in
self.ElDelegado.itemConsulta(LaConsulta: detalles)
} `
The details
import UIKit
class DetallesConsulta: NSObject {
var Fecha: String?
var Sucursal: String?
var Suc: String?
var VentaTotal: String?
var NoFolios: Int?
var Piezas: String?
var PzaxTicket: String?
var TicketPromedio: String?
override init(){
init(Fecha: String, Sucursal: String, Suc: String, VentaTotal: String, NoFolios: Int, Piezas: String, PzaxTicket: String, TicketPromedio: String){
self.Fecha = Fecha
self.Sucursal = Sucursal
self.Suc = Suc
self.VentaTotal = VentaTotal
self.NoFolios = Int(NoFolios)
self.Piezas = Piezas
self.PzaxTicket = PzaxTicket
self.TicketPromedio = TicketPromedio
override var description: String{
return "Fecha: \(Fecha), Sucursal: \(Sucursal), Suc: \(Suc), VentaTotal: \(VentaTotal), NoFolios: \(NoFolios), Piezas: \(Piezas), PzaxTicket: \(PzaxTicket), TicketPromedio: \(TicketPromedio)"
The json response:
"Fecha": "2022-11-17",
"Sucursal": "SCALPERS PUEBLA",
"Suc": "004",
"Venta_Total": "xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx",
"N_Folios": 12,
"Piezas": "xx.000",
"PzaxTicket": "x.x",
"TicketPromedio": "xxxx.x"
"Fecha": "2022-11-17",
"Suc": "005",
"Venta_Total": "xxxxx.xxx",
"N_Folios": xx,
"Piezas": "xx.000",
"PzaxTicket": "x.x",
"TicketPromedio": "xxxxx.xxxx"
"Fecha": "2022-11-17",
"Suc": "006",
"Venta_Total": "xxx.xxxxxxxxxx",
"N_Folios": 4,
"Piezas": "6.000",
"PzaxTicket": "1.5",
"TicketPromedio": "1419.5"
"Fecha": "2022-11-17",
"Sucursal": "SCALPERS ONLINE",
"Suc": "xxxx",
"Venta_Total": "xxxxx.xxxxxxx",
"N_Folios": 15,
"Piezas": "45.000",
"PzaxTicket": "3.0",
"TicketPromedio": "1930.5"
- Xcode version: 14.1
- iOS version: 5.3
The best way to do this is reorganize your data. First create a 2D Array and lay your data like you would in a CSV File.
Fecha | Sucursal | Suc | Venta_Total | N_Folios | Piezas | PzaxTicket | TicketPromedio |
11/17/22 | SCALPERS PUEBLA | 4 | xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx | 12 | xx.000 | x.x | xxxx.x |
After doing so create a table with the dimensions of your height and width of your data that is now a 2D Array and making it viewable to users or etc..
If you have any question @ me.