Fabrizio Cafolla

Results 8 issues of Fabrizio Cafolla

I thought that to add types (Timestamp, PaginationMeta, Links etc ..) in a simple and intuitive way was to create a class that has a static method for each type...

- [ ] Rimuovere cartella website e togliere la build dal workflow. - [ ] Rimuovere generazione file outputs.json - [ ] Caricare i file json in `data/` su bucket...

feature: request

I founded Italia Open-source, a community that aims to share and grow the Italian open-source world, but more generally to highlight Italian tech excellence. Our website [italiaopensource.com](https://italiaopensource.com/) is based on...


The **fine-grained personal access tokens** set with: - Organization permissions > Administration > Read and Write Make error: `Command is not configured for the user's permission level 'none'`

For one package I have MFA authentication and with Twine, it gives me this error: ``` 401 User *** has two factor auth enabled, an API Token or Trusted Publisher...


I founded Italia Open-source, a community that aims to share and grow the Italian open-source world, but more generally to highlight Italian tech excellence. Our website [italiaopensource.com](https://italiaopensource.com/) is based on...

I founded Italia Open-source, a community that aims to share and grow the Italian open-source world, but more generally to highlight Italian tech excellence. Our website [italiaopensource.com](https://italiaopensource.com/) is based on...

## PR Checklist - [x] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines on pull requests](https://github.com/italia-opensource/awesome-italia-opensource/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#pull-requests). - [x] I have read the [Code of conduct](https://github.com/italia-opensource/awesome-italia-opensource/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). **If this is an added new project**...

awesome: opensource