slash-command-dispatch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
slash-command-dispatch copied to clipboard

Error Command is not configured for the user's permission level 'none'

Open FabrizioCafolla opened this issue 9 months ago • 3 comments

The fine-grained personal access tokens set with:

  • Organization permissions > Administration > Read and Write

Make error:

Command is not configured for the user's permission level 'none'

FabrizioCafolla avatar Sep 01 '23 16:09 FabrizioCafolla

Hi @FabrizioCafolla

I know that fine-grained access tokens are not supported in all GitHub APIs yet, so that might be the problem. Fine-grained access tokens are still in beta. Please try classic tokens.

peter-evans avatar Sep 05 '23 11:09 peter-evans

Any plans to allow the new fine-grained tokens? I have a sense it's nearly working:

Run peter-evans/slash-command-dispatch@v3
    token: ***
    commands: example
    repository: MyOrg/my-repo
    reaction-token: ***
    reactions: true
    permission: write
    issue-type: both
    allow-edits: false
    event-type-suffix: -command
    dispatch-type: repository
Using configuration from yaml inputs.
Command 'example' to be dispatched.
Error: Resource not accessible by personal access token

but I'm not 100% sure which scopes to pick for it. I'll keep iterating...

alextreppass avatar Dec 21 '23 02:12 alextreppass

@alextreppass This action is not doing anything to explicitly prevent the fine-grained access tokens from working, they just might not work as expected because they are still in beta and not all GitHub APIs support them yet. Based on your experiment, looks like that is still the case.

peter-evans avatar Dec 21 '23 09:12 peter-evans