Fabrizio Brancati

Results 16 comments of Fabrizio Brancati

Thanks, I will look at it! Maybe I will need to rename the `Color` `typealias`...

@changmingw96 can you please check this issue? https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/issues/26 You can find the new Xcode 13.0 beta generated documentation [here](https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/tree/develop/Resources/Queuer.doccarchive).

Hi @dajiangjun887, can you please give me more details about your issue? There is a test that simulates that exactly thing: https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/blob/master/Tests/QueuerTests/QueuerTests.swift#L156

Hi @dajiangjun887 news about this issue? 😄

Thanks! I need to redeploy it on a different server! 😄

@cristianilea-lateral you can find the new Xcode 13.0 beta generated documentation [here](https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/tree/develop/Resources/Queuer.doccarchive). Added in this [commit](https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/commit/f1e431d7d9c262a5f55f64f5b34f1fe15f0d68ca). Let me know your thoughts

Hi @mradzinski! Do you have a code snippet that reproduces this bug, please?

Hi @liamcharmer! As I can see on Alamofire's documentation, you can set different queues only for `rootQueue`, `requestQueue`, and `serializationQueue`. But, all this properties must be an instance of `DispatchQueue`....

Maybe I should raise the compatibility version to iOS 9. Thanks for the issue, I will let you know once done or I have more informations 👍