Fabrizio Brancati

Results 16 comments of Fabrizio Brancati

I don't think that everything will be serial, look at [this test](https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/blob/develop/Tests/QueuerTests/GroupOperationTests.swift#L33) (on the `develop` branch). I think that the bug on Linux is just on the `operationCount` property. Please,...

Queuer has some unit tests, but this case is not [covered here](https://github.com/FabrizioBrancati/Queuer/blob/master/Tests/QueuerTests/QueuerTests.swift#L32). We should add a test for that case, maybe we will understand the cause of this bug. Maybe...

Currently, Travis doesn't have Ubuntu 20.04, they only have 18.04 and 16.04

Do you mind opening a PR with a new unit test to test this case? We will see what happens on Travis with Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04

@gaetanomatonti I agree, we can open some PRs to add more languages support 😉