please assign to me add e2e testcase
please assign to me support Int128,Int256
please assign to me support write Geo type.
Maybe we need to change the version of _**clickhouse-jdbc**_ in the future. https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc/issues/1112
Point and Ring data types passed the e2e test. Polygon and MultiPolygon cannot be used temporarily because of a bug in clickhouse jdbc. Please track https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc/issues/1112
@Hisoka-X PTAL
> Please add the improve to Clickhouse Connector doc and add the `changed log` reference https://github.com/apache/incubator-seatunnel/blob/dev/docs/en/connector-v2/source/Redis.md#next-version all right
https://github.com/apache/incubator-seatunnel/pull/3067 https://github.com/apache/incubator-seatunnel/pull/3047 @EricJoy2048 Do the above two PRs also need to be added?
> > #3067 #3047 @EricJoy2048 Do the above two PRs also need to be added? > > Yes, add it together. all right
Assign Cassandra sink & source to me,thx