The "Auction Details" page could show all the data without having to click on anything: Seller: ID with link to his page Store/collection page: link to the page of a...
X% royalty on secondary sales - the Auction House recognises that the artist included a X% royalty on secondary sales (as metadata in the NFT itself ideally so it could...
Add a Reserve Price, which would not force the artist to sell under the reserve price. For the moment an artist that want to sell for a minimum price has...
The ability to be notified when events happen on an artwork we are interested in, like someone else bidding and end of bidding approaching. Could even be notified of other...
For the moment the Picture NFT section allows only for animated GIFs (limited to 32MB), which don't support sound. Being able to directly link the NFT to the hash of...
The artist should be able to verify by filling out a form submitting: 1) user pic + cover +custom link 2) links to social media profiles 3) additional custom presentation...
As a content creator, the ability to add unloackable content to the collectibles, that only becomes visible after a transfer of ownership (i.e. selling or gifting the NFT). Artists could...
Goal: 1) Separate the link to the preview file(s) from the final high resolution artwork to avoid sharing the original artwork to everyone. 2) Make the NFT auction process more...