Florian Purchess
Florian Purchess
FYI: also see https://github.com/breach/thrust/issues/282
@matteing thanks for your good work! I added some comments. However, it would be great to have a test for it. I'd like to see our test-coverage reach a reasonable...
> @matteing A potential problem i see here is that the email used for Paddle checkout may not match the local user's email. A clean way of doing this would...
> Hi, is there any work being done on this? Not yet, feel free to take on this one!
Hi @saquibmian, we have the same challenge of providing an OpenAPI spec to a third party. We love https://github.com/swaggo/swag but unfortunately it doesn't handle one-of's well enough as pointed out...
btw, OAS 3.0 seems to support oneOf / anyOf: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/oneof-anyof-allof-not/
@unknwon Would you consider this feature to live inside macaron itself or prefer an external library? Just had a brief look into the router: Is it true that there's currently...
Hi @aleksey-tk, as I personally don't have the usecase, nor the hardware-access, it's not on my roadmap. However, if you do, I'd definitely appreciate a PR here!
Hi @wollanup, thanks for your PR. I realized that you removed the pinned versions. Pinning the version has a reason of having predictable, pre-tested software behaviour. Could you please pin...