
Results 8 issues of Fadhl

Dear sir, Did you release the code to compute drug's connectivity score? I appreciate your reply. Regards

Hi Is there a simple way to launch cellxgene instance with a password so only users with a password can access it?

Hi, I am trying to convet large h5Seurat file into h5ad, BUT can not allocate the memory for this big file. Any help? ``` library(Seurat) library(SeuratDisk) library(SeuratData) kpmp_blue=hfile

```r # insert reproducible example here ``` I used Read10X_Image to read my visum data but I got the below error: “cannot open file 'tissue_positions_list.csv. I have only aggr_tissue_positions.csv, not...


Hi, I looked at all examples you have and I am wondering if you can add can add one example for scRNA-seq with the image. https://vitessce.github.io/vitessce-r/articles/ome_tiff_remote.html all the examples you...

Hi Any help for this error ![image](https://github.com/saezlab/OmnipathR/assets/23288387/4217160b-91ba-4fbd-a530-a70df6ef1041)

Hi , I got this after I upload my h5ad file to map `all(dims >= dims.min) is not TRUE` second how to download the reference dataset for the kidney? it...