I'm really excited to see this get implemented
Both of these failed to demangle in BNinja but were able to be demangled fine by undname `Undecoration of :- "??0?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@Z" is :- "public: __thiscall std::basic_iostream::basic_iostream(class std::basic_streambuf *)"` `Undecoration of...
I really appreciate seeing movement in this area @CouleeApps :)
> Some basic names with the construction `$1?Name@@Type@@` are now handled, looks to be a template param with a &reference to an existing symbol. Coverage isn't super great because there's...
Nice job narrowing down the source of the issue, I overlooked that entirely.
Sometimes it's not just a single vtable, how do you propose cases of multiple inheritance be handled? Currently it's inconvenient to go through and define the vtable when there's only...
> > Sometimes it's not just a single vtable, how do you propose cases of multiple inheritance be handled? Currently it's inconvenient to go through and define the vtable when...