
Results 9 issues of Eusebius1920

## OS Linux ## ISSUE DESCRIPTION Feature request: Allow ssh-tunnel connections with private keys coming from the [ssh-agent]( (rather than from a file of the disk).

## What was the end-user or developer problem that led to this PR? See #5422 ## What is your fix for the problem, implemented in this PR? Add a check...

when attached and scroll-lock active See #234

### Version vue-final-modal: v3.4.4 vue: 3.2.37 ### OS All OS, Firefox in Version 102 (among other versions) ### Reproduction Link works on chrome, not on firefox ### Steps to...


### Steps to reproduce Calling the application with different values for `HTTP_HOST` and `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST` while HostAuthorization is enabled (i.e. `config.hosts` is set/active) while at least HTTP_HOST is **not** present in...


is it possible to update the docker-image of the community edition to 8.1? I would be happy to support, if needed.

If you want to use a set of ports to use in rules, you need Sets of (key_)type "inet_service", which are currently filtered out, when creating a Set using `NFTables().sets`...

See: This affects machines running docker 25.0 and newer. The structs `ImageInfo` and `ImageDetails` should add `#[serde(alias = "Size")]` to its fields `virtual_size` or rename it.

When creating ssh-keys with terraform ```hcl resource "tls_private_key" "test" { algorithm = "ED25519" } // using: tls_private_key.test.private_key_openssh leads to a private key like this /* -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtz...