Hi there! Thank you for answering me. The script was born long time ago, having only one function: At Firefox startup, the script created a colored screen (filling the whole...
Sorry to ask again, is there any chance you can make [the latest version of this script]( work with the latest [fx-autoconfig]( If you can't do that, please feel free...
I totally understand! If by chance you can help, then will be great! And please, take all the time you need, I (we) can wait. Thank you in advance :...
@aminomancer, After hours of work, I believe I have some progress. I can make both scripts work again by removing line 241 (gBrowser.tabContainer.removeAttribute("tooltip");) at tabTooltipNavButtons 1.2.3. I checked and no...
@MrOtherGuy thanks for your answer! I understood your replay. Below I'm going to make new questions and comments, but if your answer is "not possible", then please feel free to...
... very sad to heard about the final "no go" for the tab pop-up open function. But in the other hand, your "#TabsToolbar{ max-width: 300px }" solved exactly what I...
Sorry, I couldn't make work your two selectors. But after lot of testings, I was capable to make work just the following selectors: /* Loading tab */ .all-tabs-item > .all-tabs-button[busy]:not([selected])...
Sorry to bother you, unfortunately I still can't make work: "tab-background-color of a loaded tab and not selected". For bad or for good, this is my best until now: /*...
The external webpage with filters is a very nice idea. My only concern is the time and attention this webpage may need, not just to be created, but also to...
Understood. Just adding few final comments for your mind food... I'm not denying problems by using categories/subcategories. I'm only saying that: - Categories/Subcategories will work at least for 80% of...