uc.css.js copied to clipboard
Please, help to make compatible urlbarTabUrlIndicator.uc.js and tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js
Hi again @aminomancer,
For many months I used your urlbarTabUrlIndicator.uc.js and tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js. My JS know-how is almost zero, but at tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js I managed to delete (carefully) few lines here and there, and miraculously your two JS scripts worked together like a charm. At my customization, when a tab was mouse-hovered, tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js opened the mini popup/tooltip (under the tab), with the back-reload-forward buttons, but no url (only 3 buttons back-reload-forward, I removed the url). At the same time, when the same tab was mouse-hovered, urlbarTabUrlIndicator.uc.js showed the URL inside the urlbar. It was just beautiful to see the two scripts working together automatically... I became addicted to them : )
Problems in paradise started when new versions of tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js appeared. My JS is really bad and I can't make compatible the newest tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js v.1..2.3 with the tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js 1.1. Separately, both scripts are working perfectly. But together, I have not JS know-how to make them compatible (as they were compatible in the past).
Time ago you and I exchanged messages in order to make the two scripts compatible. Here is our conversation. Specifically at this message you suggested two possible solutions, first by using a "Modifier Key" (to activate tabTooltipNavButtons), and second by deleting 8 lines. The "Modify Key" solution is not interesting to me, and I tried your second solution at tabTooltipNavButtons 1.2.3 but I couldn't make it work.
Please, if by chance you can help me, it'll be amazing. Really, I became addicted to your two scripts, and I miss them a lot. I know you are busy, so if you can help here, please take all the time you need.
Thank you in advance
After hours of work, I believe I have some progress. I can make both scripts work again by removing line 241 (gBrowser.tabContainer.removeAttribute("tooltip");) at tabTooltipNavButtons 1.2.3.
I checked and no problems are shown at Browser Toolbox. I hope you'll approve "my hack", or perhaps you have a better solution.
~If you approve my hack, then (please) I just need your help with the CSS for the url tooltip inside the urlbar. Due to my lack of CSS and JS knowledge, I don't know why, but with my hack the CSS of the url tooltip inside the urlbar changed (it's bigger, it has borders etc). And I can't identify the CSS selectors. I used the Browser Toolbox but the urlbar tooltip appears only when I mouse-hover a tab, it just disappears when I try to mouse-hover the urlbar tooltip (even using "disable popups" at Browser Toolbox).~
Thank you.
EDIT: I believe I also solved the CSS problem. I added few CSS lines inside tabTooltipNavButtons.uc.js 1.1, and that's it, the url tooltip inside urlbar can be customized again.
In conclusion: I have both scripts working together again. I have CSS issues solved. Everything is working like a charm. If you approve my hacks, please close this issue. But if you have a better solution, please share with me.
Thank you!