Goktug Yilmaz

Results 18 issues of Goktug Yilmaz

Hey guys Quite a few people have asked for an upgrade to swift 5. @Khalian and I have been out of the swift scene since swift 3 and mostly kept...

"I really wonder why someone would prefer array.get(1) over array[1]. (1st example in Readme)" Read this in reddit, should make the benefits more clear

Some date extensions should be class functions, there is no need to create a new nsdate() object imo.


Maybe with a closure to track when its clicked?

new extension

https://github.com/andrehenrique92/AHPagingMenuViewController Getting navigation bar from this repo and implementing here


When you do big loops, like 10k for loops some line in here is lagging the whole code. I think it might be the file extensions. ``` for _ in...


``` node_modules/mocha-steps/lib/mocha-steps.d.ts(3,45): error TS2694: Namespace 'Mocha' has no exported member 'Func'. node_modules/mocha-steps/lib/mocha-steps.d.ts(3,72): error TS2694: Namespace 'Mocha' has no exported member 'Test'. node_modules/mocha-steps/lib/mocha-steps.d.ts(4,46): error TS2694: Namespace 'Mocha' has no exported member...

This is a decade worth of 1on1 questions, however this repo isn't very usable at it's current state. What would be usable is filtering down the most important, most common...

``` func leftWithOffset(offset: CGFloat) -> CGFloat { return self.left - offset } func rightWithOffset(offset: CGFloat) -> CGFloat { return self.right + offset } func topWithOffset(offset: CGFloat) -> CGFloat { return...