Goktug Yilmaz

Results 18 issues of Goktug Yilmaz

Hey guys, nice game 😁 We're building the world's most popular NotCatan site. Would any of you be interested in this? https://blog.colonist.io/colonist-is-hiring/

How about making the button work like a UISwitch? When I press it, it stays down until I press it again?


+(void)title:(NSString_)title backgroundColor:(UIColor_)backgroundColor textColor:(UIColor*)textColor time:(NSInteger)seconds; I want to use faster or more precise timing for this. How about making another method which takes Float as a parameter? I could have done...

I'm currently using this: ``` preprocessors: { '**/*.ts': ['typescript','coverage'], //#A '**/*.js': 'coverage' //#B }, reporters: ['progress', 'coverage'], ``` With #A enabled, I'm able to run and link tests from typescript,...

Why is there a separate list of tasks for Gridcoin? Why not have them in the original repo, or at least under the user /gridcoin? Who is the team behind...

I made something that uses XcodeColors and would like to add it to a list of projects that use XcodeColors if there is, https://github.com/goktugyil/QorumLogs