Eric Pedley
Eric Pedley
I was using mavsdk to try communicating with PX4 SITL today and also had mavros running, which made mavsdk_server crash on launch because the udp connection I was trying was...
# Motivation In #585 I described how logging output from the child process for `mavsdk_server` at only debug level hides useful errors from the user. # Summary This PR removes...
RN we can download AntAlmanac as a PWA but it doesn't work offline. We can probably fix this by caching all the requests for the schedule and course info (don't...
Dark Reader is a browser extension that turns any website dark mode, and IMO our site looks better with that on. Mainly it makes the white lines on the site...
We already support filtering by start time or class fill-level but people might not know because it's hidden behind the advanced search options (I know because a friend messaged me...
If you use import from study list but don't paste anything, its error message mentions the Zotcourse import, but a _different_ error message shows up if you actually import from...
Whenever you search, it should update the URL with query params for all the options in your search query and you should be able to copy/paste it and load the...
Set up a new lambda function that can sent SNS notifications when triggered using our CDK config. This is in preparation for making AANTS but won't be useful for anything...
This seems tough because we're gonna have to scrape the LARC site since it's server-side rendered ( We might want to split this change up between us and PeterPortal API...