Nice job. For this relatively large feature, I suggest starting with the [email protected] Proposal and discussion in the mailing list.
@Hisoka-X @hailin0 @ic4y @VolodymyrDuke @Carl-Zhou-CN @ruanwenjun PTAL
Most of the images cannot be displayed. Can you place the design documents in Google doc or seatunel's conf
> Ok, Thanks. Do you want to help seatunnel improve the document of other connector? You can comment this issue and let we know.
Can you add e2e test for this pr?
This job config file get from seatunnel-web?
I can't tell the reason of agg commiter failure from the logs. Are there any more logs?
From the job config, I found you do not config the `partition_column` and `partition_num`. So the source will read all data as a single split. If the split can not...
@Carl-Zhou-CN PTAL.