GM after a new installation i meet this probléme 👍 ./ Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 13, in from autowx2_functions import * # all functions and magic...
ga after send this cmd i have : pi@raspberrypi:~ $ journalctl -u r2cloud -p 3 -- Logs begin at Sat 2020-03-21 14:06:14 CET, end at Sat 2020-04-25 16:45:47 CEST. --...
GM i wanted reinstall on rpi4 with script but after ask : YES (wxtoimg step), installation reboot ...i try 2 times, and same..can you check this ?thank in advance. Eric
Good Afternoon at the end of install i had 👍 --------- [WARNING]: Updating cache and auto-installing missing dependency: python-apt fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "apt-get install --no-install-recommends python-apt...
Hello and thank you for your beautiful project that I managed to reproduce although not a linux pro. Just how to get full screen and do at startup raspi boot...
Good Evening after run ./ i have : / /etc/sat_data/data.txt: Permission non accordée ./ ligne 13: /var/www/html/sat/passes.txt: Permission non accordée NOAA1820200712-212515 34 warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh job...