pi-weather-station copied to clipboard
full screen ?
and thank you for your beautiful project that I managed to reproduce although not a linux pro. Just how to get full screen and do at startup raspi boot on your application? thank you in advance for your info
Take a look at the reddit thread at https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/il03rk/i_made_weather_station_app_and_designed_it_for_a/ and you will get some pointers. The general directions are:
Step 1. Comment out the line in /home/pi/pi-weather-station/server/server.js that says:
// await open(http://localhost:${PORT}
Save that file.
Then create a file, /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
touch /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart Edit with your favorite editor and put in code similar to the following:
@xset s noblank @xset s off @xset -dpms @bash /home/pi/weather.sh
Then create the referenced /home/pi/weather.sh and add the following:
#!/bin/bash cd ~/pi-weather-station/ /usr/local/bin/npm start ~/pi-weather-station/server/index.js & chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --disable-inforbars --incognito --kiosk http://localhost:8000/&
Then chmod +x weather.sh to make it executable. Reboot, and your display will pop up Chromium in kiosk mode, incognito, with no errors. I did get the upgrade dialog though so I need to find a way to disable that.
I found that when the pi boots chromium starts up but initially gets a page not found error. That goes away about 10 sec later automatically though once the npm server starts up.
thank for your answer but in /home/pi/pi-weather-station/server/ i have only 3 files : index, geolocationCtrl and settingsCtrl.js , not server.js idea ? i cant go to the next steps
Sorry, I copied from the reddit page. The file to edit is the index.js not the server.js (at least in the current version).
thank a lot , i check ! i havnt directory .config ...
Create the .config directory manually if it does not already exist.