> @erkansirin78 > `.config("spark.jars","/home/erkan/spark/mmlspark_jars/") doesn't work` > this doesn't work because you are missing the lightgbm jar, you actually need to have two jars specified there I think the problem...
same with me, upgrade from 0.18.1 to 1.0.0 rc3
I met the same problem, the params did not exist when I imported the mmlspark in a big jar.
nn.Sequential(*(self.encoder.features[i] for i in range(23) + range(24, 33))) This line shows that he encoder [23] is not loaded. So the encoder[24] should be the VGG[25].
Once I fix the code, I will submit. Now I still have some problems about using the VGG encoder. The images generted by VGG encoder look weired, althoug it has...