One more detail: From the compiled code, lines of `antd` (which should have been processed by babel-plugin-import) did not show up. (You'll see this by comparing compiled code of button1...
I implemented one on my own. And I've made its setup steps as simple as possible. https://github.com/EnixCoda/GitHubReviewerNotificationForSlack It makes my life much easier!
Hi @hax ~or 贺老?~ I'm sorry that preserving *this* context might not be possible under current design of safe-touch. ## Let me explain: As you already know, if you want...
Hi @jmadelaine No obvious benefits, I made it for fun. It has similar behavior to optional chaining in most cases. ```js const $a = safeTouch(a) console.log($a.b.c()) // 1 console.log($a.d.c()) //...
I also had few code reviews in large PRs these days and feel this feature necessary as well. 🤔
It's happening on latest version of `moment`(v2.22.2) and `moment-timezone`(v0.5.21). It took a lot of my time to figure out why my app keeps failing because of `moment.tz was not defined`....
@gabrielalan This worked for me: 1. use specific version of moment without `^` before version number (`"moment": "2.19.4"` in your case) 2. `rm -rf your-project/node_modules` 3. `yarn`
遇到同样的问题。不太熟悉 Java 开发,这里提供一下操作过程 1. 用 IDEA 打开项目 2. 在 IDEA 项目设置中设置 JDK 版本为 azul1.8 3. 在 pom.xml 被报错——项目经由版本 55 的 JDK 编译,当前版本为 52。查了查发现 52 是 java 1.8,55 是 java 11。...
组件的 API 遵循相同的命名规则是好事。虽然这将大大增加v4和v5之间的迁移成本。 希望 antd v5 的迁移工具能自动化这个步骤(目前没看到 TODO item 大致扫了一下代码,没有看到通过复用的 interface 实现 `open` & `onOpenChange`,而似乎是通过在每个组件中手动输入 `open` 来实现的?这样看来,这个 `visible open API 统一至 open` ,像是在拼写层面的巧合,而不是代码逻辑层面的统一。我不太理解这背后的原因 关于具体命名的争议,这个 issue 的大部分参与者可能不是英语的 native speaker,但是可以参考社区中 native speaker...
> I presume that the control is supposed to be disabled when the sidebar isnt pinned. Exactly. Thank you! Will fix it in the next release.