Mantu Kumar
Mantu Kumar
same issue . Edit - FIxed By Making force fetch receipt to false .
> Like A until Z? I can work something out. yes
> Like A until Z? I can work something out. Is there any updates sir ?
> Okay, let me test it out. You are very fast to respond I like that, It will be helpful in my project If it will get the feature of...
> Okay, let me test it out. This may be helpful to get an idea. (
> This feature is certainly very possible, the main list is actually a CustomScrollView. I'll try to work on it later. > > Of course, you can also do a...
Use android:launchMode= "singleTask" inside < activity/>
I am facing the same issue
> any solution looking for this
> @EndLess728 can you provide your code for accessing particular folder , it would be helpful. You can get path of specific folder from this command And then you...