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How to ask permission for specific folder
I installed one app from playstore and it downloads the whatsapp stories (basically fetches the . statuses folder from internal storage)
When I installed that app, It directly opened WhatsApp/. statuses folder to ask permission for that specific folder
As per new android 11 policy now no app can get third party folder access it need the access from file manager.
I want to ask if there is any method I can ask permission for specific folder. Like WhatsApp or any other folder ?
any solution looking for this
any solution looking for this
@EndLess728 can you provide your code for accessing particular folder , it would be helpful.
@EndLess728 can you provide your code for accessing particular folder , it would be helpful.
You can get path of specific folder from this command
And then you can ask permission for that specific folder using this
These two commands will help you directly open specific folder to ask permission of that specific folder
Thank you @EndLess728 . I am reading the Uri but when i list the dir file using listFiles
getting error as 'content://'does not have permission to read/write
Thank you @EndLess728 . I am reading the Uri but when i list the dir file using
getting error as'content://'does not have permission to read/write
This is the code I am using (dirty code with comments)
const checkStorage = async () => {
//Example URIs
const whatsappStatusURI =
const whatsappWallpaperURI =
const albumUri = StorageAccessFramework.getUriForDirectoryInRoot(
'WhatsApp%2FMedia%2F.Statuses', //'WhatsApp%2FMedia%2F.Statuses',
console.log('check album uri', albumUri);
// Requests permissions for external directory
const permissions =
await StorageAccessFramework.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync(albumUri);
if (permissions.granted) {
// Gets SAF URI from response
const uri = permissions.directoryUri; //content://
console.log('check uri ---->', uri);
// Gets all files inside of selected directory
const files = await StorageAccessFramework.readDirectoryAsync(uri);
alert(Files inside ${uri}:\n\n${JSON.stringify(files)});
Hey Thanks you for your code @EndLess728 . I was using Bare React Native Project. I have made changes to openDocumentTree
fn native code for android, so that it can now goes directly to specific folder . After changing to code , now i am calling openDocumentTree(IntitialUrl,true)
PS: made changes to my local react-native-scoped-storage
Hey Thanks you for your code @EndLess728 . I was using Bare React Native Project. I have made changes to
fn native code for android, so that it can now goes directly to specific folder . After changing to code , now i am callingopenDocumentTree(IntitialUrl,true)
. PS: made changes to my localreact-native-scoped-storage
Glad to know it helped you. Btw can you share the changes you have done ? It will save my time and app size by not using that additional expo system package
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
public void openDocumentTree(String initialFileUrl , final boolean persist, final Promise promise) {
try {
Intent intent = new Intent();
// New Added Start
Uri fileUri = initialFileUrl == null ? null : Uri.parse(initialFileUrl);
if (fileUri != null) {
intent.putExtra(DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI, fileUri);
// New Added End
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) @ReactMethod public void openDocumentTree(String initialFileUrl , final boolean persist, final Promise promise) { try { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE); // New Added Start if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { Uri fileUri = initialFileUrl == null ? null : Uri.parse(initialFileUrl); if (fileUri != null) { intent.putExtra(DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI, fileUri); } } // New Added End ...
I tried your approach, It works for asking permission for specific folder but it doesn't list all the files present in that folder
@mantusuff420 Its Native , so it will handle by OS i.e Android. So Listing Files would not be issue here.
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) @ReactMethod public void openDocumentTree(String initialFileUrl , final boolean persist, final Promise promise) { try { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE); // New Added Start if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { Uri fileUri = initialFileUrl == null ? null : Uri.parse(initialFileUrl); if (fileUri != null) { intent.putExtra(DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI, fileUri); } } // New Added End ...
i want to use your method can you please tell me the steps to add this code in my project?