Emre Uçar

Results 4 comments of Emre Uçar

You can use newer versions of Yolo that Darknet supports. But it would help if you built with the current darknet (https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet), not with the darknet_ros of the darknet because...

> Check your opencv versions, in my case i had opencv4.4 and 4.2 installed in same time, uninstalled 4.4 and it works. Hope it helps ! Hi, I have same...

In my case, i changed the enable_opencv= true to false in darknet_ros/config/ros.yaml file and the error is gone, hope it helps.

Thanks for your reply. I am working on the Orin Nano and I got this error. I worked on my PC and Jetson Nano I didn't get an error and...