Emmanuel Amodu

Results 7 comments of Emmanuel Amodu

@MsXam I have implemented web-view flow, in flutter and nodeJS if you are interested or anyone is, in the sample code, or probably converting to a plugin or something.

This should help, ```dart Future _loginWithFacebook() async { Map result = await Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => CustomWebView( title: 'Facebook Login', selectedUrl: 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=$your_cliend_id&redirect_uri=$your_redirect_url=email,public_profile', ), maintainState: true ), ); if (result...

@bpaul7101 check it out [here](https://github.com/EmmanuelAmodu/Flutter-nodejs-facebook-auth), I am working this. I have completed the mobile section, I would do the nodejs later

So many issues on this package is it still active, I have spend 2 day still no solution.

@rufuspollock would be a good solution https://github.com/EmmanuelAmodu/COVID-19-Datapackage.git. package url https://datahub.io/emmanuelamodu/covid-datapackage/v/4

Temporary fix https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-otp-input-rc-17 `npm i react-otp-input-rc-17`

> #2705 I am not sure what this mean?