Hi,recently I have been reading the codes of `kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera`. When I read `addCameraChainErrorTerms()`, which the function is to add the reprojection error terms for all cameras, in the `IccSensors.py`, I...
Hi, thanks for your works. I have a question about the avrage factors `m`, which I mean is that averaging time` tau = m*tau0`. I see all the references such...
Hi, thanks for your works. I have a question about "create log spaced vector average factor". I mean that `m = unique(ceil(logspace(0,endLogInc,pts)))';`. I want to know why to use this...
Thanks for you works. I have a question about the coordinate systems. The IMU outputs (acceleration and angular rate) in raw data are provided in the 2 coordinates. For example,...