Emerald Block

Results 73 comments of Emerald Block

If the sole purpose of having extra wires is to color-code them, I would recommend vouching for a visual delimiter that can be used to color any tile. (Also oh...

Please provide more information! If you don't have a concrete, consistent list of steps that results in this problem, it's probably best to ask in the Discord, not report an...

`replaceAll` is relatively new. Update to Node.js v16 (but not 17; there's a deprecation issue there) (pro tip: search "replaceAll is not a function" online)

fear not! this issue has been known for over half a year, and you're doing the right thing. Yes, shapez issue management is kinda all over the place.

Presumably, you're trying to play a Level 15 save in the demo, which has been restricted to just 9 levels, and the demo doesn't account for what to do? I...

Firstly, that's definitely a freeplay (post-story) shape, so this is definitely the demo but with the level restriction somehow passed. Just making sure, did you build with `yarn gulp`? If...

`child_process.execSync` will throw if there is an error though, as written at https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_processexecsynccommand-options or were you running this yourself and it didn't error for you? If so, could you send...

@ArtemNikolaev oh sorry, I meant non-zero exit code (which you can display by running `echo $?`, I think)

for more context, the game's sales model is basically "you can buy a build (the game on Steam) or build it yourself from source", so offering a free official alternative...