Hello, I only have a quick question. If this tree is based on the binary presence and absence of accessory genes, what does the distance in the tree means? I...
Hello, I ran roary and got the necessary files. I downloaded the roary.plots code in a "roary_plots.py" file. I tried running the next line of code: `python roary_plots.py core_gene_alignment.nwk gene_presence_absence.csv`...
Hello, I wanted to know how to get another genus for Prokka, or how can I make a genus for prokka. I am working with Legionella, and I want to...
Hello, I was trying to use ragout in some files that are SPAdes outputs. It worked, but I noticed that the scaffolds file filled up some spaces with "N". What...
Hello, I have run a roary pipeline. I want to use panx to visualize the roary data. How can this be done? Thanks!