Guardians summoned by engineering and items have incorrect scaling. This will fix Guardians summoned by Engineering items some Guardians summoned by items to have appropriate level and stats. As of...
"Stinky" Ignatz does not attack NPCs and his IC dialogue targets the player instead of his target ## Changes Proposed: - Remove setting react state 2. Set react state when...
Using seal of ascension during the arena event does not start event Seal of ascension does not give chromatic protection buffs ## Changes Proposed: - Add missing event - Add...
4 mobs that attack Jaela and Eversong Rangers are missing. ## Changes Proposed: - Add new creature_template of Rotlimb Cannibal with flag 256 (not interractible with PC) and hpmodifier 3...
This fixes overlapping portals inside and outside Naxxramas. Their rotation is also corrected (from CCW to CW). The post-boss Naxxramas portals now teleport to the blue hub portal and it...