Elisa Kendall
Elisa Kendall
Description: 1. Added details for the new SPOR PMS service, including a PMS ID 2. Augmented the ISO 21090 ontology to include XP and ENXP types, required for representing medicinal...
Several ontologies used in the CMNS library by IDMP-O have been integrated into the Commons 1.2 Specification, with some “tweaks”. The revisions should be reflected in IDMP-O so that once...
We currently have a class for medicinal product name but not the relevant attributes, which are needed for the current EMA PMS alignment use case.
There appear to be some significant recursive definitions related to packaging, at least one of which is in the ISO IDMP 11615 specification. Some of the circularity needs to be...
## Description 1. Split the MortgageLoans ontology into two separate ontologies - one small-ish ontology describing mortgages, but limited to primary contract details, with a second ontology including the origination...
Revise the Loans ontologies to include: (1) mortgage, as a tiny released ontology, (2) construction loan, as a tiny released ontology, and (3) correct the distinction between an amortization schedule...