Elisa Kendall
Elisa Kendall
This is the last issue we plan to address against the exotic options ontology prior to release. It covers strategies that involve multiple options, such as straddles, strangles, butterflies and...
There are a number of definitions that need further work in the pool-backed securities ontology, and duplicate concepts should be eliminated. In addition, some of the concepts in the asset-backed...
Signed-off-by: Elisa Kendall ## Description 1. Created the concept of a credit derivative in derivatives basics, added a subclass relation between credit derivative and total return swap, and made some...
Signed-off-by: Elisa Kendall ## Description 1. Restructure the concepts related to publisher, publishing house, financial information publisher, and published financial information to eliminate redundancy and clean up restrictions, including deprecating...
This is an area we have not yet touched, but would like to add during the Q4 2022 FIBO workstream
A number of changes were made in late 2021 to the structure and content of the ISO 10383 MIC codes which should be reflected in FIBO, including the addition of...
## Description Added a restriction stating that an occurrence is classified by an occurrence kind, as requested by the Retail Domain Task force at OMG but also as needed for...
This is a gap identified by the Retail Domain Task force at OMG but is also needed for more sophisticated queries related to events in FIBO, such as those related...
## Description Better integrated contract principal and counterparty with the overall contract pattern; augmented restrictions on issuer to say that they must issue a contract and revised the definition per...
Currently the definition says 'a financial instrument' so we should revisit this.