Elisa Kendall
Elisa Kendall
**Describe the bug** The official media type (formerly called MIME type) for RDF or OWL files serialized in RDF/XML is 'rdf', not 'owl'. There is an OWL XML syntax that...
In https://dil-edmcouncil.atlassian.net/browse/SEC-113, in the Securities Restrictions ontology we are missing restrictions that arise around short selling (as a kind of trading restriction) some of which are mandated by regulation (e.g....
Description: 1. Removed unnecessary (and circular) restrictions from the Commons quantities and units ontology (the other two are definitional and min 0) 2. Reviewed the "circular" definition in MVF, which...
Description: 1. Add new mapping ontology from Commons to BFO 2. Revise the mapping to reflect the latest Commons 1.2 updates
In order to map the IDMP-O ontology to the emerging Pistoia process and clinical operations ontologies, a mapping to the Basic Formal Ontology is needed. This mapping will necessarily include...
Description: 1. Create empty example ontology and add it to relevant metadata files 2. Add the Turtle version that Heiner created and an RDF/XML equivalent, both of which include the...
What is the correct relation between the protein sequence and the amino acide residues? AlaLeuGlu a idmp-sub:ProteinSequence . Ala/Leu/Glu a idmp-sub:AminoAcidResidue . 1. AlaLeuGlu cmns-coll:hasConstituent Ala, Leu, Glu . 2....
This is an initial version of the example needed for the WHO demonstration
There are a number of these that should be corrected.
Description: 1 Integrated revisions to the designations, locations and organizations ontologies from the OMG Commons Ballot #3, Commons 1.2 RTF process 2. Revised ontologies including registration authorities, regulatory agencies and...