Can confirm this on my install, running Docker Engine 20.10.12, Debian 11 Bullseye, + Portainer Happens to any container I have, making this script unfortunately useless
> Hey@folks, i´m loving simplewall and i got the network-prompting issue (no notification shown on firewall blocking any request). > > After resetting all Windows defender firewall to Standard all...
I can confirm this issue is still happening on Windows 10 x64, ver 0.9.0 of swap-cli. Steps to reproduce: 1. Run `swap.exe buy-xmr --receive-address [REDACTED] --change-address [REDACTED] --seller {tested with...
> > > but `--rendezvous-point` is not an option for `swap buy-xmr` My bad, it should be ``--seller``, not ``--rendezvous-point``. Edited the command to reflect that. I had to manually...
This is a separate thing, but how did you get your task manager to be dark like that?
Able to reproduce on my machine. This also happens when you log in and click "Update" when BW prompts you to update a "changed" password. Luckily, there's password history so...
I've been able to reproduce this on eda7444c. ## Steps: 1. Disable media keys. 1a. Firefox: Set `media.hardwaremediakeys.enabled` in `about:config` to false. 1b. Chrome: Set `chrome://flags/#hardware-media-key-handling` to Disabled. 2. Restart...
> It was fixed a while ago in [ActivityWatch/aw-webui#493](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-webui/pull/493) and released in [`v0.12.3b11`](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch/releases/tag/v0.12.3b11). Installing [`v0.12.3b11`](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch/releases/tag/v0.12.3b11) or [newer](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch/releases) would solve the problem :) When adding categories, pressing "Save" should invoke the...
> It was fixed in [ActivityWatch/aw-webui#573](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-webui/pull/573) and the fix was released in [`v0.12.3b19`](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch/releases/tag/v0.12.3b19). I have personally tested this version and can confirm that the behaviour from this issue is no...