Máximo Mussini

Results 6 issues of Máximo Mussini

### Description 📖 In some use cases it can be convenient to ignore client directives when an ancestor component is already an island. An example from [this thread](https://github.com/ElMassimo/iles/issues/128#issuecomment-1189839536): ``` -...


## Describe the problem Using docsearch directly with Preact currently requires manual configuration. For example, using `@docsearch/react` in Vite.js projects requires manual fiddling to replace `require("react")` with `require("preact/compat")`. ## Describe...

### Description 📖 This pull request adds the `Accept` headers to requests made by the `NetworkLoader` strategy. This allows development servers which can serve different file types—such as [Vite.js](https://vitejs.dev/)—to serve...

Spotted this one when adding the new post to the [îles demo](https://the-vue-point-with-iles.netlify.app/) 😃 Since the rendered markdown could be used in different pages, the easiest fix is to use the...

### Description 📖 This pull request fixes the problems described in #404. Added a test that ensures these invalid usages do not generate CSS rules. ### Background 📜 It seems...

**Describe the bug** There seems to be a problem when compiling `animate` and `duration` utilities. 1. Using an `animate` SVG element generates the following CSS ```css .\

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