Máximo Mussini

Results 47 comments of Máximo Mussini

Marking it as an enhancement because `.parent > *` is a simple workaround for styling. --- Would like to get some proposals for how to differentiate attributes for the wrapper...

Thanks for reporting Markus! 😃 It makes sense to use `createSSRApp` in both cases when in build mode. Need to check whether it would still be desirable to use `createApp`...

I've [explored switching to `createSSRApp`](https://github.com/ElMassimo/iles/compare/fix/create-ssr-app), but it doesn't seem to be working as intended. There are [some problems when Vue components should be re-rendered](https://github.com/ElMassimo/iles/commit/6c2f6470a27c014a807b1b6a2dddc8814312188e) which suggest that the optimizations performed...

Thanks for reporting! Generating imports requires static analysis, there's no way to support a dynamic value, as Rollup needs to know which files to process at compile time. It's very...

Hi Dhruv! This is an enhancement that I've been wanting to add for a while now, as it would also make it easier to leverage any Vite plugins that rely...

Hi again Hardi! Currently, hydration directives are detected by traversing the template nodes obtained using `parse` from `@vue/compiler-sfc`, and then [checking whether a node has a `client:` property](https://github.com/ElMassimo/iles/blob/main/packages/iles/src/node/plugin/wrap.ts#L84-L85). For Pug...

> parsing and compilation are so far outside my comfort zone 😅 It's ok, just checking. I might be able to take a look over the next couple of weeks....

Hi Michael! Currently there's no built-in way, but there are several ways to achieve it. In îles you can use `await` in script setup or in [`getStaticPaths`](https://github.com/ElMassimo/iles/blob/dynamic-blog/playground/dynamic-blog/src/pages/posts/%5Bslug%5D.vue#L7). See: - https://github.com/ElMassimo/iles/discussions/46...