
Results 6 issues of ElMariuso

- All texts are corrected. - Grammar corrected. - Syntax corrected. - typo changed - Some tips that have been retranslated to better match the official translation of the world...

:page_facing_up: localisation :pen:

We need to make a tortollan race trait for putting tortollan characters on the game. Also, these counties needs to be tortollan: - c_darkwood https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Tortaka_Refuge - c_torga https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Torga - c_atalgral...

new feature :star:
suggestion :question:
lore :books:
priority low :grey_exclamation:
history 👑

## Changelog: - [x] Change names of faith and the religion in the files as requested by Loralius. - [x] Update all the localization of the Holy Light religion. -...

new feature :star:
lore :books:
priority medium :grey_exclamation:
history 👑
cultural :mortar_board:
religious :pray:

Everything is explained on the PR

new feature :star:
lore :books:
priority medium :grey_exclamation:
WIP :construction:
history 👑
cultural :mortar_board:
religious :pray:

All graphical part of the Holy Light Rework PR and issue. Including tenets icons, interactions icons, flags, etc.

priority medium :grey_exclamation:
2D graphics :paintbrush:

1: - Currently our map is rather square and the lands are rather close. I think it would be better to space the islands, continents, put a rectangular map and...

new feature :star:
suggestion :question:
priority low :grey_exclamation:
cartography 🌐