Eddie Groshev
Eddie Groshev
Can you provide more information? What system are you compiling on? What version of OSG do you have installed? Can you copy/paste the output from cmake?
Looks like an issue with OpenSceneGraph 3.4.2, EventHandler handler was ether moved or removed. It should compile with OpenSceneGraph 3.4.0
Try with `cmake .. -DOSG_DIR=/usr/local/lib64`
Can you also try to compile OSG 3.4.1 from source and then compile trajopt?
Can you post all the commands you ran to install/compile OSG, OpenRave, and TrajOpt? Including every `apt-get install` command.
Why don't you start fresh, `make uninstall` everything and delete the repos. `git clone https://github.com/openscenegraph/openscenegraph.git -b OpenSceneGraph-3.4.1` Build and install OSG 3.4.1 from source. `git clone https://github.com/flexible-collision-library/fcl.git -b 0.5.0` Build...
Yeah, don't install `libopenscenegraph-dev` via `apt-get`. Uninstall the apt-get version and reinstalled the one from source by running: 1) `sudo apt-get remove libopenscenegraph-dev` 2) `make uninstall` from `OpenSceneGraph/build` 3) `make...
Whats the version of your OS?
You need to set `PYTHONPATH` as shown in [Installing TrajOpt](http://rll.berkeley.edu/trajopt/doc/sphinx_build/html/install.html#common-installation-problems)
Lots of examples in the unit tests, specifically, `trajopt/src/trajopt/test/planning-unit.cpp`.