I've followed the development of Telegram N (Official client) and Telegram S (this one) since early this year, and I thought both projects got abandoned by their respective developers, but...
Hi there! Something that happened to me a couple of times is that, when I talk to people who I don't have their numbers through Telegram, I accidentally tap over...
Fixed Catalan translation.
Fixed Catalan translation: - Given uniformity regarding formality (tu-vós) - Homogenized terminology - Fixed typos
Fixes in the Catalan translation.
Minor fixes in Catalan translation.
Minor fixes in Catalan translation.
**Bug description** The main CV website displays incorrect data “Recorded/Validated Hours” graph. I've been personally gathering this data since 2020, and now I realized that my data does not match...
The language code is not correct. The current one (ca-CA) would be for Catalan spoken in Canada (I wish!), but Catalan is mostly spoken in Spain (along with Andorra, France,...
Added Catalan language (ISO code: ca) following the [translation guide](