Erik Schouten

Results 4 issues of Erik Schouten

With [KGraphQL]( development being stale since august 2021 and the [developer going AWOL](, other graphql server libraries should be considered. Update JUNE 2022: KGraphQL author seems to have returned, [looking...

Like GraphQL, Rest APIs with OpenAPI generated docs, can enable [client-side code generation]( [Third-party alternative]( Since we're only utilizing GraphQL as a typed API, using GraphQL is overkill and requires...

I get the following error: This require call is not allowed because the imported file "vite-plugin-wasm-namespace:/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@foxglove/wasm-bz2/wasm/module.wasm" contains a top-level await Is there any way to enable top-level await support for...